Work with me

Individual Therapy



Young Adults

Your 20s-30s are a time of transition for you. These changes could be in the realm of work/career, academics, or personal relationships.

I offer a space to unfold and reconnect with who you are and what areas you need support in. Together we can co-create a place for processing and healing for past experiences.


Life demands many things from us: time, productivity, work, and balancing relationships. Sometimes it feels like we can’t do it all.

I provide a space for you to slow down and let someone else support you. Together we can process where you’re at and create more balance and rest in your life.


  • Self-Compassion

    Perfectionism Do you tend to put things off out of fear you won’t do it right? Do you struggle with high levels of self criticism or fear of what others will think?

    Anxiety Do you struggle with racing thoughts, playing events over in your mind, or feelings of panic or dread?

    Academia : Do you work as an educator, professor, program administrator and want support from a therapist familiar with this realm of career and work load?

    Codependency Do you struggle to set boundaries and tend to feel like you put much more into relationships than you get in return? Do you feel responsible for others and their feelings? Do you find yourself attempting to anticipate others’ needs while feeling unappreciated? Do you feel that “needy” people are drawn to you?

    If any of these experiences resonate with you, I am here to help. All of the above listed experiences are different but have a common theme—these individuals often struggle with their self-compassion. I help you understand why these patterns and experiences show up for you. Together we bring in ways to improve your self talk, boundaries, and coping and grounding skills to uncover your authentic self.

  • Creative Compassion

    Creative Identity Are you a writer, dancer, actor singer, performer, comedian, or artist?

    Shared View Do you want a therapist who understands the unique identity of being a creative and integrates an approach that can support your creative work and process?

    Process Do you want to process a memory or experience that a creative project triggered?

    Industry Do you want a place to process industry stressors and the unique experiences of being a creative professional?

    As a creative myself I understand these struggles. I have worked with various creative professionals in the Hollywood area. Through narrative therapy I can bring your creative identity or projects into the room to process in a therapeutic way. This can look like support with creative ideas, block, processing who you are within your work, or even processing your lived experiences that your work highlights.

  • Cultural Compassion

    Cultural Identity Do you want a multiracial therapist who can hold space and understand the unique experiences of belonging to different cultures? Do you struggle with feeling disconnected or out of place with the culture(s) and experiences you grew up with? Do you need a space to process that/ reconnect?

    Social Justice Do you want a space to process concepts related to politics and how it’s impacting your personal mental health? Do you need a safe and affirming space to process a personal experience from your own participation in activism? Do you want to process current social and racial injustice with a clinician who honors anti-racism work?

    Cultural Trauma Do you need a space to process a traumatic experience that was based around culture or race? Are you experiencing a rise of anxiety or fear based on other peoples’ traumas in a cultural community you identity with?

    As a multicultural clinician, I understand how to navigate the unique experience of finding self, culture, and tradition, and even activism in your life. This work can range from wanting support connecting to cultural elements of yourself all the way to more activism related healing, or coping with experiences of Cultural/Racial Trauma .

  • Somatic Compassion

    Brainspotting : “Where you look affects how you feel.” Brainspotting is an somatic tool and process used to support clients in a way that allows you to bring in a certain concern and create healing around this experience .Brainspotting can be used for virtually anything but many common uses are: anxiety, trauma, grief, performance anxiety, sports performance, chronic pain, generational and racial trauma ect.

    Brainspotting sessions look and feel a little different than talk therapy so if you are interested please reach out and I would love to speak to you more about this modality.

    More Info about Brainspotting

    Trauma work is rooted in the belief that the body and the mind both need to be addressed in order to move toward healing. I help you integrate exercises to reconnect to your body process where trauma is stored physically and integrate safety on an emotional and physical level.

    I also had the unique opportunity of being level 1 trained in Brainspotting in a closed BIPOC Clinicians only group

Additional Ways I Can Support You

  • Attachment Styles

  • Depression

  • Trauma

  • Mood Regulation

  • Grief/Loss

  • Career Exploration

  • Family Conflict

  • Life Transitions

  • Gender/Sexuality Exploration

  • Affirming of LGBTQIA+ clients

  • Spirituality

  • Navigating Academic Stressors

  • Relationship Issues

  • Social Skills

  • Pandemic Support